The complete symphonies of Beethoven with the Boston Symphony Orchestra
This January, Andris Nelsons leads the Boston Symphony Orchestra in a series of concerts featuring all nine of Beethoven’s beloved symphonies: Beethoven & Romanticism. On January 9, 10, and 11, the BSO plays Symphonies No. 1 and 2, followed by No. 3, Eroica. Symphonies No. 4 and 5 will be performed on January 16 and 18, followed by No. 6, Pastoral and No. 7 on January 18 and 21. The series concludes on January 24, 25, and 26, highlighting Symphony No. 8 and his beloved Symphony No. 9, Ode to Joy, featuring soprano Amanda Majeski, mezzo-soprano Tamara Mumford, tenor Pavel Černach, and bass André Schuen.