
BSO tour reviews

“The clarity with which the Boston precision orchestra plays the piece is striking, the childlike warmth that Nelsons finds in it is touching."

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

“Nelsons fully lives up to his status as a world-class conductor by being richly invested in musical detail alongside an unerring sense of formal structure. Today, the concentrated physical plasticity in the rich textures of the piece can be experienced and will reverberate long beyond the homeward journey.”

Der Tagesspiegel

“The clarity with which the Boston precision orchestra plays the piece is striking, the childlike warmth that Nelsons finds in it is touching.”

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

“Above all, there is conductor Andris Nelsons, who, with a fascinating clarity, imagination and depth of expression, allows perfection to be perfection and gets the most out of the music with compellingly designed increases and dynamic gradations. A concert of superlatives, already a highlight of the season.”

Hamburger Abendblatt

“The Boston Symphony Orchestra under the direction of the Latvian conductor Andris Nelsons surpassed even the Amsterdam orchestra in its compactness, its brilliance and its technical skill – yes, one tends to use the word perfection”.

Luzerner Zeitung, St. Galler Tagblatt and others

“Climax follows climax, as glistening as sunlight falling on polished steel. The permanent tension that characterizes the work over long stretches reaches traumatic intensity under Andris Nelson’s direction”

Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung

“One person who seems to have learned a lot from Blomstedt is his successor in Leipzig, Andris Nelsons. When Nelsons was in talks to lead the Lucerne Festival Orchestra in 2014/15, he still illustrated every turn in the music with rampant gestures. In the meantime, he shapes the interpretation in a similarly relaxed manner as Blomstedt – an impressive artistic development.”

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

“Its principal conductor Andris Nelsons acts as a masterful sound director (…)”

Salzburger Nachrichten

“And finally, Ravel was experienced: his swan song to the society of the pre-war period ‘La Valse,’ that apotheosis of the Viennese waltz, was celebrated under the always animating Latvian Maelstrom with all its subtle sounds, its negative exaggeration, the compulsive, fearful frenzy and the infernal conclusion with swift tempi, transparency, inner tension and an infinite richness of colors. ovations in Cankar Center!”

Kleine Zeitung

“Nelsons made the music (a stylistic crucible) vibrate and pulsate, and his excellent musicians from Massachusetts showed how much energy there is in the impulsive rhythms.”

Ruhr Nachrichten

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